Exhibition Campusplan 

This exhibition is part of the Architecture Masterproject studio Campusplan Eindhoven of the TU/e. Together with 7 other students of the TU/e this exhibition is designed and manufactured. 

Location                    Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant

Area                           200 m²

Function                    Exhibition

This exhibition is part of the Masterproject CampusPlan Eindhoven, where the purpose of the TU/e campus on individual scale is analyzed and visualized. TU Eindhoven's campus is changing. From the current University Campus, a new Science Park is emerging and rather than a complete new design the current masterplan (CampusPlan 2020) aims to expand the urban, architectural, typological and formal qualities of the TU/e's original high modernist campus. Beyond a green and spacious campus with buildings organized along an orthogonal grind and in particular spatial and formal composition, CampusPlan 2020 aims to welcome new functions and a more diverse community. The exhibition CampusPlan Eindhoven presents a new perspective into both the qualities and shortcoming of the current plan simply by surveying its users. As spaces are occupied and appropriated, the plan moves past the abstraction of formal rules and finds its purpose in the individual scale and experience of its users. CampusPlan Eindhoven also provides a broad platform for public engagement with the plan. Beyond appreciating the ideas being presented, visitors are invited to share their own experience.